PRP stretch mark removal: All You Need To Know

PRP stretch mark removal: All You Need To Know

Stretch marks are indented streaks that appear on the abdomen, breasts, underarms, hips, buttocks, or other places on the body.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks occur due to the rapid stretching of your skin. Some common causes of stretch marks include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight gain
  • Growth spurts

Both men and women alike can develop stretch marks on different parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is no cure or prevention. However, the appearance can be reduced and improved. The original reddish color is caused by increased blood vessels to repair the skin. However, they can never fully recover once interrupted, and the goal is to achieve the best cosmetic result possible.

How can I treat my stretch mark?

A stretch mark is one of those difficult skin issues to correct, but there are varieties of procedures combined to address it. One such procedure is PRP also known as Platelet-rich plasma. While it’s hard to treat stretch marks, micro-needling with PRP at Doo Havilah Medical Spa can help reduce their appearance. This is only true if the stretch marks are recent. With this treatment, we can help you slowly fade your stretch marks over a few months. this treatment uses the healing power of your own blood to help alleviate a range of skin conditions.

Is this treatment safe?

PRP for stretch marks is a safe procedure performed by registered medical aestheticism within hygienic skin clinics. Your appointment lasts just 30-50 minutes. There’s no surgery, invasive procedure, or medication, and usually minimal recovery time is required.

How does PRP Skin Needling for Stretch Marks Work?

The procedure uses the healing power of your blood to help rejuvenate your skin. PRP, platelet-rich plasma, uses growth factors within your own blood to encourage the production of elastin and collagen and the regeneration of skin cells to help tackle a range of common conditions.

PRP skin needling for stretch marks works a little like this:

We draw a small amount of blood, like a blood test. the blood for use is prepared in a centrifuge and concentrated in the blood plasma for maximum healing potential. We then apply the PRP solution to the affected area using a specialist microneedle. The device ensures the PRP solution enters the skin and begins working right away. After the treatment, we apply a red LED light to the treated area. This would help reduce the inflammation and accelerate the healing of your skin.

PRP can also treat the following condition apart from stretch make these conditions include:

  • Stretch marks
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Acne scarring
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Loose or sagging skin

What To Expect After PRP treatment

You may have mild swelling and redness for a day after your micro-needling treatment. It can take around 1 – 2 months to see your final results as the collagen and elastin levels increase gradually. It is recommended that you schedule about 4 – 6 maintenance treatments every 4 – 6 weeks for long-lasting results.