
What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation procedure that requires the use of a sterile, surgical scalpel to gently "shave" the skin's surface, removing the top-most layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) to reveal a more radiant, smooth skin. This procedure is done on the face only; however, it is not meant to be used to shape eyebrow or beards (these are terminal hairs), and the nose area is also avoided. It can be done monthly, with no downtime. In less than 30min procedure is done, more like a lunch time facial.

The service is completely safe and pain-free. Most people explain the sensation being similar to scratching one's own face. This is not something you can do at home or an inexperienced provider should do. Dermaplaning takes precision and must be performed by an experienced professional, that’s why at our spa we have a well-trained Esthetician that carries out this procedure.


Dermaplaning is often confuse with facial shaving, although they have some similarity which shaving off of facial hair, but, Derma planning on the other hand does much more than shaving of hair.

  • Derma-planning uses a surgical, disposable blade, not a razor.
  • Dermaplaning is more aggressive than shaving.
  • Dermaplaning cannot be performed at home.
  • Dermaplaning blades are singular, whereas razors are usually stacked with 2-3 blades.
  • Dermaplaning is a skin rejuvenation treatment intended to remove dead skin cells and improve fine lines, wrinkles, and improve skin tone and texture.

How often should Treatment be done?

It shouldn’t be done any sooner than21 days apart. Monthly is preferable.


Dermaplaning is one of the best methods of exfoliation that has zero downtime - a major plus. Some clients experience mild erythema (superficial reddening of the skin), but it subsides quickly. Besides that, and the radiant skin recently achieved, no one would ever know a service was rendered.

  • Improves skin texture and cell regeneration.
  • Eliminates vellus hair and dead skin cells.
  • Increases product absorption and efficacy (products work better).
  • Promotes cellular proliferation (your anti-aging BFF).
  • Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Lessen acne occurrence by reduces excess fine hair which often accumulate dirt and oil.
  • Makeup application is smooth and flawless.
  • No down time. (You can schedule this at lunch - seriously).
  • Brightens skin and reduces hyperpigmentation.
  • Great alternative for those with sensitive skin or rosacea.
  • Safe for all skin types.

Who should consider dermaplaning?

Contrary to popular belief, vellus hairs, as opposed to terminal hair, will not grow back thicker or darker. However, dermaplaning is not suitable for those with excessive facial hair. You should consider Derma Planning if you have:

  • Dry or rough skin texture.
  • Superficial acne scarring or uneven skin tone.
  • Matured skin, as they tend to have buildup of dead cells.
  • Dermaplaning is safe for pregnant or lactating clients who cannot have chemical peels or some other treatments.

Who should avoid dermaplaning?

Those with very oily or active acne should avoid this procedure as well as anyone with thick, dark facial hair. Acne prone skin can become sore and irritated with this procedure. Those with excessive facial hair will notice stubble as it grows back and experience "razor rashes", spots under the skin and ingrown hairs.