Double Chin Removal – Non-surgical Injection Lypolysis

Double Chin Removal – Non-surgical Injection Lypolysis

Lipolysis Non-surgical fat reduction is the process of dissolving small to medium unwanted localized areas of fat that are not affected by diet, exercise, etc. Lipolysis treatments are the most cost-effective, non-surgical, aesthetic, fat-reducing treatments available.

How does Lipolysis work?

Through the injection of the active substance Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) directly into the subcutaneous tissue, local fat deposits will be destroyed, allowing the fat that is stored in the cell to get released and drained away by your lymphatic system. Phosphatidylcholine is a naturally occurring product in our bodies. Its main role in the body is to help break down fat and cholesterol, which is then naturally absorbed by the body. It is a key constituent of our cell membranes and high-density lipoproteins (good cholesterol). Phosphatidylcholine is been used extensively all over the world for its cholesterol-lowering effect and its characteristic as a ‘Liver protective’.

Can anyone undergo Lipolysis?

This procedure is best suited for patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle (diet and exercise) as lipolysis seeks to target areas that are not affected by diet or exercise. Women tend to respond better to the treatment than men due to the difference in the structure of connective tissue and fat cells. The following patients cannot undergo Lipolysis treatment:

  • Diabetics
  • Patients with Cardiovascular diseases
  • Patients who currently have or used to have malignant disorders
  • Patients with certain allergies, like Soy and/or Egg Allergies
  • Pregnant women and breast-feeding moms
  • Patients with kidney diseases
  • Patients with a blood disorder

How long do fat-dissolving injections last?

Lipolysis fat-dissolving injections are a good option for permanently removing unwanted fat cells. This means that with a good diet and exercise the results can be permanent. While this treatment removes specific fat cells, which will then never return, this won’t stop new fat cells from storing fat in a similar area, undoing the results of the injections. As a result, it’s essential that you maintain a healthy diet and exercise levels to achieve the best results.

How many treatment sessions are required?

You can expect results after about 2-4 treatment sessions. The number of sessions needed will vary from person to person and by area. This is due to individual responses to the medications as well as the type of fat that is being treated. Soft fat works very well with Lipolysis. During the consultation, you will be informed as to how many sessions you may need to achieve your desired result. It’s not a question of whether Lipolysis will work, but rather how many sessions it will take to achieve your goal of reduction.

Can I go back to work after a treatment session?

Yes, you can resume normal daily activities after treatment, depending on the amount of soreness you have, the area you have treated, and the type of work you do. Lipolysis treatment usually takes 50min to 1 hour to complete.

Are there side effects?

This process is medically tested and found to be completely safe and effective. There have been no reports to date of severe complications. Patients may experience soreness, bruising, or mild swelling in the areas treated that could last for about a week. Sometimes the presence of small lumps is felt in the area; these are painless, invisible, and transient. Uncommon side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, infection (rare), and prolonged bruising.

How do I get started?

While lipolysis fat reduction is a safe procedure you should first speak to a professional medical aesthetic to know how many sessions you might need and to ensure that the procedure is done in a safe and professional way.