
What is Dermapen?

As we age, we will notice the appearance of the fine lines and wrinkles on our face due to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in our skin. Even if you have the best skin, time will take its toll and you are going to face the skin problems.  Derma pen is also called collagen induction therapy. It is a procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles with the aim of stimulating the production of collagen (the skin’s building blocks). The procedure is performed using a specialized device which can be a manual rolling device- commonly called a derma roller, or an automated stamping device- commonly called a micro pen/derma pen/skin pen. The automated stamping version of the micro-needle is preferred by the physician as it offers precise control of the needle depth and more precise punctures which heal faster, rather than the slit type of punctures made by the manual rolling device.

How it does it work?

Derma pen devices work by creating slight injuries that are not visible and typically heal within a day. This injury stimulates healing within the skin which also stimulates the growth of collagen, the scaffolding under the skin.

What is the outcome of Dermapen facial?

This advanced skincare treatment will reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, scarring, sun damage, improves the skin tone and texture, and give you plumper and smoother skin. As the treatment improves your skin’s ability to self-repair by producing new collagen and elastin, you will see the exceptional results with minimal downtime. You will have the firmer skin and more youthful skin with this safe, chemical free treatment.

In what situations do we use Derma pen?

  • Acne scarring
  • Fine wrinkles
  • Stretch marks
  • Uneven skin
  • SGeneral skin rejuvenation and skin resurfacing

How many treatments do you need?

When you are doing a Derma pen treatment, you won’t get the results after the first treatment but will need multiple treatments. How many treatments you need depends upon which skin area you want to treat and what you want to achieve. Generally to treat basic skin problems, one will need three to six microneedling treatments for the best results. If you want to treat the extreme sun damage, deep wrinkles or scars, you will have to go for 6 or more microneedling treatments. Sometimes adjuvants are added to the treated skin. Platelet rich plasma, treatment serums like vitamin C, alpha arbutin, hyaluronic acid concentrates, peptides etc all work together in specific situations to give more superior results.

Does Derma Pen Facial hurts?

The procedure is easily tolerated by almost every patient, though topical anesthesia is applied prior to treatment.

Does it have side effects?

This procedure creates an injury and there may be light bleeding, creating a risk of infection and scarring. For this reason, this procedure should be performed by only trained and qualified PROFESSIONALS.